The White Yak | Meet Tsering Bhote
Meet Tsering Bhote, one of that artisans at The White Yak. She is from Thudam and is the weaver of The White Yak Lhomi pangden. She has been weaving since she was thirteen, and as tradition in her village her mother taught her how to weave because their village is the source of other villages' pangdens. Even as she moved to different areas of Nepal she has always taken her craft with her. She has been living in Kathmandu for nine years. Weaving is her main source of income. The materials are sourced locally and the frame of her loom was handcrafted by Tibetans and the inside mechanisms were made by her.
Production Company: Rise Again Productions
Client: The White Yak
Producers: Lightify Creative + Rise Again Productions
Editor: Brittany Neff
Original Score:
Production Company: Rise Again Productions
Client: The White Yak
Producers: Lightify Creative + Rise Again Productions
Editor: Brittany Neff
Original Score: